Groupe exhibitions and selected works


-Crisis, group exhibition of the Bachelor in Photography UNSAM, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
-Mugre, photographic exhibition in the streets, Rosario, Argentina.
-Borde, photo projection, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


-Viralizá Arte, contemporary artworks

-Viralizá Arte, virtual sale of contemporary artworks

-Pulpa Fotoclub, spanish platform for the diffusion of contemporary photography.

-Catalogue of the Salón Asombro Estenopeico (Stenopeic Astonishment Exhibition)

-CUBA, platform for the diffusion of underground art in Buenos Aires.

-Migra Museo de Arte Decorativo edition, printed art fair, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
-Call for photography workshops at the Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
-Migra, Parque de la Estación edition, print art fair, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
-Out of Series, Larreta Museum, print art fair. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
-Dislexia magazine, Animals edition.

-ArtexArte, selection to participate in artwork clinic.


-Experimental Photo Festival, Barcelona, Spain.

-Meet young artist, art festival at Ville d'A
vray, France.
-Loosenart, The family exhibition, Rome, Italy.

-WIP, La maison de la Roquette, Arles, France.

I was born in 1998 in the neighborhood of Merlo (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

When I was 16, I started studying music at the Alberto Ginastera Conservatory in Morón, where I studied classical trumpet for three years before discovering jazz. I took trumpet, piano, and singing lessons with various teachers in Argentina. At 19, I started studying photography at the National University of San Martín. At 23, I moved to France to study vocal jazz for two years at the Conservatoire Régional de Lyon. Now, I'm doing a master’s degree in photography at the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie in Arles, the city of my dreams.